Summer 2020
Presidents Message
PASR Headquarters has just released updated guidelines to help you navigate chapter and region activities through July and August 2020. Each chapter has been asked to share the following information with their membership regarding PASR’S response to the COVID-19 virus.
PASR Recommendations-COVID-19 (July-August-2020)
It is strongly recommended that all scheduled PASR meetings be postponed or limited to teleconferences. However, if a chapter or region can follow the CDC safety guidelines of social distancing (wearing masks, etc.) and can safely handle a meeting, it is at their discretion. Safety of our members is the ultimate decision-making factor.
It is strongly recommended that all scheduled PASR events (Pre-Retirement Fairs, fundraising activities, and sponsored trips etc.) either be cancelled or postponed.
All state related meetings will be limited to a teleconference or Zoom meeting format. The Board of Director's Meetings will be limited to the teleconference or zoom meeting format or be postponed to a later date.
The travel of PASR elected leaders and staff will either be unavailable or extremely limited.
It is recommended that COMMUNICATION with your membership be increased during these troubled times. Counteract "social distancing" by exploring new technology options of contact.
It is important to note that PASR Chapters are governed by their own By-Laws and this statement is a recommendation and guideline.
If any government authority that covers, at least, the state of Pennsylvania issues a directive easing the policy of "social distancing", or retightens regulations, PASR will issue another statement in response to the new guidelines.
The Buck’s Chapter Executive Board following these recommendations chose to conduct their June 11th meeting using the Zoom format. There were a few hitches but the meeting went well. This will be our meeting’s format July through August 2020.You will be notified later on, regarding the status of the chapter’s meetings and activities for the remainder of the year. Furthermore, the board is exploring new options to communicate to our membership, such as email message, phone calls etc.
In closing, I sincerely hope everyone is safe and well as we try to adjust to the “new normal” brought on by this virus.
Ken Griffin
Eileen Sichel, Chairperson
Please consider donating to the SSMHF to help unfortunate PASR members who are confined to a residence or in need of support due to illness or age. No funding comes from dues, but relies only on the generosity of members or chapters. Donations have fallen, but expenses have remained the same. Please consider contributing to the Memorial Honor Fund, which helps members across the state. Donations can be made through the PASR website. Why not honor or memorialize someone who has made a difference in your life by making a contribution to the fund.
Education Support
Linda Peters, Chair
The Scholarship winners are: Isabella Swartz from Central Bucks South HS who plans on attending Princeton University and Nicole Berman from Neshaminy HS who will be attending Shippensburg University. Both were sent checks for $1500.00. Aimee Trieu in the Palisades School District will receive a $500.00 for a Virtual Reality Program. The second grant of $300 goes to Middle Bucks School of Technology for Creating a Zen Garden. The Lauretta Woodson Awards will be given to Craig Smith, a teacher and Daniel Anello, maintenance staff, both from New Hope Solebury School District. Each will receive $100.00 and a framed certificate. All recipients have been invited to our fall luncheon. The Grant winners will be given their checks at the luncheon.
Included on the coupon page is a contribution form for the scholarships. Please consider making a small donation since we have no special fund raiser for these scholarships and rely on members to support them.
Meg Kramer, chair
This message comes from Mechanicsburg regarding the CVS Program.
PASR had secured participation in a discounted prescription program through CVS. As part of this program, CVS maintained a website and other infrastructure to support PASR in this program, which cost CVS money and resources. We have had a very small number of PASR members utilize this program. Consequently, PASR received notice from CVS that as of September 1, 2020 PASR would have to pay $1,000.00 per month to maintain this program due to the low usage rate by our members.
The PASR Board of Directors will vote on this option near the end of July, but it is difficult to see how such expenditure could be supported given the lack of participation in the program by PASR members. So, while a final decision has yet to be made, we wanted to make you aware that this program will likely be ending at the end of August 2020.
Lynn Majewski, Chair
Thursday, October 29 9:30 – 11:30 am
Grace Point Church, Newtown, PA
This course is for people who do not need a course completion card for job or other requirements. It is ideal for community groups, parents, grandparents, caregivers, and anyone interested in learning how to save a life. It is sanctioned by the American Heart Association. CPR, AED usage and choking will be covered. You will receive a booklet and certificate. The cost is $25 per person, due by October 15. Complete the coupon found on the insert page. Please circle the sentence about knee problem if it applies to you.
Arlene Williams
Annual members need to pay dues for 2020-2021 by June 30, 2020. If you have not yet sent in your dues, your name on the mailing label of this newsletter should be printed in Red letters. Please send a check using the coupon in this newsletter or go to www.PASR.org to pay online. Be sure to update your member information if there have been changes. If you need assistance logging in there is a “Need Help” button on the page.
Clothes for Kids
Meg Kramer
It is with regret that I must inform you that our PASR Chapter will not be participating in the “Klothes 4 Kids” project this year. The Covid-19 virus pandemic is the reason. It is with much gratefulness and appreciation for all that you have done, whether you shopped for just a few or for all 15 years that we have done this project. You generously provided for the benefit of well over a thousand less fortunate children in Bucks County.
Thank you.
Bucks Chapter Email Address
The virus emphasized our lack of a rapid means of communication to our members. We have created an email address for the chapter so that we can send out bulletins and the newsletter via email. All we need from you is to reply to our email address and you will receive future newsletters as well as any necessary communications regarding cancellations of meetings or other pertinent information. The email address is: buckscountypasr@gmail.com.
It is also listed in the newsletter mast head. When you reply you will receive a return receipt. Your responsibility will be to keep us informed of any changes. Thank you in advance for participating.
PASR Contests
Join us on Facebook for some summer fun!
This summer, as a way to interact with our membership while maintaining social distancing, the Pennsylvania Association of School Retirees (PASR) is hosting two contests on our Facebook page! To enter the contests, members should look for two posts: One asking you to share a favorite recipe, and a second asking you what your favorite book is. The posts will go live on our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/ThePASR) on Wednesday, June 24, 2020, and the contest will run through July 15, 2020.
A winner for each post (awarded to the post comment with the most "likes") will win a $50 Amazon Gift Card, so be sure to have your friends and families visit our page and "like" your book or recipe. Winners will be announced by the end of July 2020 and your prize will be emailed to you as a digital gift card.
Please join the fun by participating in our contests, sharing the post with your friends and family, and liking our Facebook page.
We hope to see you online!Thank you all in advance for your willingness to help support this effort and for all that you do for PASR and its members!"
(All are tentative)
August 13 Bucks County Executive Board, IU
August 27 Region 1 Executive Board, Manufacturers Country Club
October 15 Region 1 Luncheon, Manufacturers Country Club
October 22 Bucks County Fall Luncheon
October 29 CPR Class, Newtown